World Problems is a beautifully subdued work, that dips, both feet, into the tepid water of identity politics. By the end of the experience though, what was once luke warm, has become something which burns to touch. The real star of the show is the writing, it’s an innate piece of script that tips back and forth from the personal to the wider perspective, moving from some time in the past until it places the performer and the audience in the uncomfortable and frightening truth of a future reality that we all know, awaits.
Created, written and performed by Emma Mary Hall, who sets from the get go sets from the get-go a cracking pace and and rhythm that for the length of the performance does not let up. All time, she sets about assembling a trampoline, it’s unclear if there is a deeper metaphor behind this, but what this does is – it creates contrast- it’s a case of methodical physicality versus the near whimsical spoken word.
It works intelligently with score, helping sink into the performance and the experience; opening scenes are set against drone sounds, and this aural through-line repeats throughout – closing scenes are in there simplicity stunning and really give this work a surrealist edge. Projections too, are incorporated to a good effect.
What really makes the work shine are different intonations within the script; in single moments it is elating, and full of humour, the next second it turns upon itself and borrows into a universal sense of outrage- these are surrounding themes and concepts which resonate so strongly with our times.
One might have become disenfranchised with the concept of art being able to change the world, and when we look at what’s happening around us, for this disenfranchisement- one can no longer be blamed. But what this work proves is that art still has the ability, dare, the responsibility to continue to uphold pivotal conversations, which through discourse , still bring individuals together.
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